Dec 9 - 11 2024

Committees 2021

General Chairs

Stefan Livens
VITO NV, Belgium
Jocelyn Chanussot
Grenoble Institute of Technology, France

Program Chairs

Jun Li
College of Electrical and Information Engineering Hunan University, China
Miguel Velez-Reyes
University of Texas at El Paso, USA

Technical Committee

Touria Bajjouk
Jon Benediktsson
University of Iceland, Iceland
Jose Bioucas-Dias
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal
Jérôme Bobin
CEA Saclay - IRFU/CosmoStat, France
Xavier Briottet
The French Aerospace Lab, France
Lorenzo Bruzzone
University of Trento, Italy
Jocelyn Chanussot
Grenoble Institute of Technology, France
Melba Crawford
Purdue University, USA
Yannick Deville
Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP), France
Peijun Du
Nanjing University, China
Qian Du
Mississippi State University, USA
Tegan Emerson
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Chiara Ferrari
Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, France
Paolo Gamba
University of Pavia, Italy
Maryvonne Gerin
Observatoire de Paris, France
Richard Gloaguen
Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany
Yanfeng Gu
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Uta Heiden
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
Xiuping Jia
UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy, Australia
John Kerekes
Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Muhammad Murtaza Khan
NUST-SEECS, Pakistan
Ralf Klessen
Heidelberg University, Germany
Wenzhi Liao
Ghent University, Belgium
Stefan Livens
VITO NV, Belgium
Sebastian Lopez
Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canarias, Spain
Rupert Müller
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
Nasser Nasrabadi
West Virginia University, USA
Mario Parente
University of Massachusetts, USA
Joshua E. G. Peek
Space Telescope Science Institute & Johns Hopkins University, USA
George P. Petropoulos
Department of Geography, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece
Jérôme Pety
IRAM & Observatoire de Paris, France
Antonio Plaza
University of Extremadura, Spain
Saurabh Prasad
University of Houston, USA
Stanley Rotman
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Alan Schaum
Naval Research Laboratoy, USA
Paul Scheunders
Vision Lab - University of Antwerp, Belgium
James Theiler
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Miguel Velez-Reyes
University of Texas at El Paso, USA
Naoto Yokoya
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Alina Zare
University of Florida, USA
Bing Zhang
Institute of Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, China
Jun Zhou
School of Information and Communication Technology, Griffith University, Australia
Xiaoxiang Zhu
German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany

Event Manager

Vincent Couturier-Doux